Thursday, October 4, 2012

One thing I regularly feel lucky about is the caliber of folks with whom I get to share time in my practice. I got this email last weekend to remind me just how lucky I truly am. Apparently they all met up at the Mr. Olympia Health Expo in Las Vegas.

I do think Quest bars are the acme of genuine high protein, low carb, real food snacks. Shannan and the Quest tribe just finished the trial stage for their new cravings peanut butter cups and chocolate crunch bars, high protein, no sugar, candy replacements. Can't wait to try em.
EVERYONE was talking about you at our booth today. 
Ronda Rousey came by our booth and said you had introduced Quest to her. She's a huge fan, and everyone (Mike O., Tom B., Shan, Michael Veni, etc.) swapped war stories with her. 
Everyone agreed - Dianna is a bodywork genius! 
Ronda made a huge impression on everyone and she's a genuine and beautiful person. 
Thanks so much for spreading the gospel of Quest
It is MUCH appreciated!


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